Bigger on the Inside

Brooding turkey vulture in a 14 ft. hollow of a blue oak tree.

Brooding turkey vulture in a 14 ft. hollow of a blue oak tree. This image is a composite of 3 photos.

Peering down the vulture hole, I am amazed at the ability of the turkey vultures to climb in and out of this nesting location. It is fourteen feet from the opening to the base.

It is unclear whether this brooding vulture is on eggs or new chicks. It should be nearing time for the eggs to hatch, if my calculations are correct. On March 5th & 6th , I recorded the pair breeding at the entrance and the female retreating inside the nesting cavity. I am making an educated guess that this was around the time of laying their eggs. Most sources site 34-40 days incubation. Sources are vague on the day count, but in all fairness who counts days for vultures hatching? The UStream Missouri turkey vultures incubated for 34 days in 2012.

Both parents incubate the eggs and share in raising the chicks. I do not know when incubation began for this pair.

So for now, all I know is…

Tukey-vultures Are Residing Down Inside Shelter.
TARDIS…bigger in the inside. 😉

UGLY Birds Gather

UGLY Birds to Appear

Vulture Turf Wars

They’re Back!

Across the Threshold

Wings of Autumn

25 thoughts on “Bigger on the Inside

  1. Interesting photo. Spotted it reblogged on Tim’s blog and was drawn by the title which hinted of Doctor Who and sure enough you ended with a TARDIS acronym – funny too. 🙂 We don’t have Turkey Vultures in the UK, apart from zoos and wildlife parks, so their lives are new to me, Surprised they nest so close to people.


  2. Pingback: Vulture Chicks – 3 weeks | The Backdoor Artist

  3. Pingback: Eerie Sounds from the Vulture Chicks | The Backdoor Artist

  4. Pingback: Wood Duck Invades Vuture Nest – Ghost Babies Fight Back | The Backdoor Artist

  5. Pingback: Down the Vulture Hole | The Backdoor Artist

  6. Pingback: Turkey Vulture Chick Debut | The Backdoor Artist

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