Good-bye Tom-dog

Golden Bo Thomas SH WCX“Our animals shepherd us through certain eras of our lives. When we are ready to turn the corner and make it our own…they let us go.” Author Unknown

Tom dog came home to a young 11 year old boy. Now 26, Tom's "boy" misses him the most.

Tom dog came home to a young 11 year old boy. Now 26, Tom’s “boy” misses him the most.

We knew this day was coming. The average lifespan of a retriever is 10 years. Tom-dog was 14 years, 8 months when we said good-bye today.

He came home to our youngest son many years ago and was the grand-pup of our first retriever. In the learning hands of a growing boy he was trained into an outstanding hunter and companion.

Stephen and Tom with Tim and Blaze following successful Senior Hunter Qualifiers.

Stephen and Tom with Tim and Blaze following successful Senior Hunter Qualifiers.

When his boy grew to manhood, left for college, got married and started his family, Tom stayed with us.  In the years that have followed, this magnificent family member has been greeted by 3 rowdy grandkids that he loved dearly.
Tom-dog always loved kids. It is only fitting that Tom-dog’s grand-pup, Jake, now resides with Tom-dog’s first person and family.

Tom dog (R) walks with Grandthing 3 and Jake (L) Jake is Tom dog's grand-pup.

Tom dog (R) walks with GrandThing 3 and Jake (L) Jake is Tom dog’s grand-pup.

103 thoughts on “Good-bye Tom-dog

  1. Thanks for sharing this, and I really appreciate the quote. Last July we said goodbye to my Pluto, a Welsh Sheepdog/Collie mix who lived just short of seventeen years and shepherded me through just over 1/3 of my life – very literally, because he had a most sheepherder-like way of rounding me up! I’m glad you had almost five bonus years with Tom-dog.


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