Sneak-a-Peek Bliss

Something special is on its way!

Something special is on its way!

Old Dogs, New Dogs

Tim announced the news today…our new puppy has been born. It will be several more weeks before she joins us. She is grand-pup to my Hawk.


golden retriever, Blitz, pen and ink, drawing, pen, ink It’s been almost a year since Blitz passed. Soon after, I did this portrait of her as a bit of art therapy.

Our new girl golden retriever puppy was born on the 6th. She will be coming home in about six weeks. I can’t wait.

puppies, golden retriever, puppy, dogs Our new baby is in there somewhere. She’s the cute one. Photo courtesy of Susan Liptak.

It just so happens her Grandmother, Gracie, is staying with us for awhile. In fact, at this moment she is putting a stuffed toy wolverine in my lap and asking for me to throw it for her. She’s staying with us while I’m running her in the Junior Hunt Tests for her owner and personal friend, Sally. Blitz was Gracie’s cousin.

golden retriever Gracie is schmoozing for a retrieve with a stuffed wolverine. I think the wolverine is well loved.

This weekend we attended the Marin Retriever Club Hunt Test in…

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Happy Birthday Bliss – Gracie

Gracie is visiting our place for a while. Today is her birthday. Time for some birthday pictures. Of course Sailor had to join in.

You’re a good girl, Gracie. Happy Birthday!

Sunset Bliss

Sailor in a late winter sunset with ducks on the pond at our place.

Sailor in a late winter sunset with ducks on the pond at our place.