Happy Thanksgiving – Turkey Dinner Old School

Happy Thanksgiving!

Turkey dinner prep circa 1946 (American Standard ad). Now for a real throwback, turkey dinner prep 2014.

On the Hunt

Yesterday we celebrated three years with Sailor with a nice pheasant hunt. He was joined by Bliss and Phanny. Tasha stayed home with the puppies. We’ll have to make it up to her.

Pheasant Hunting with our Golden Retrievers

Happy New Year!

Pheasant parmesan for dinner after a bountiful day in the field. I’d love to know your favorite way to enjoy pheasant. Click to enlarge images.

Phanny’s First Pheasant

Today marked a milestone for our Golden Retriever pup, Phanny – Saturday Night Redtail Phantom. We took her for her first pheasant hunt. Initially, she thought we were just out for a stroll, enjoying a pleasant December day. To her surprise, there was a nice rooster pheasant in the grassy cover.

A nice day for coming of age. Well done Phanny!

click on images to enlarge

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

We were both hunting turkeys this Spring. There is something to be said about harvesting an animal that is perfectly capable of harvesting you.

Two carnivores hunting in the woods. There’s something to be said about harvesting an animal that is perfectly capable of harvesting you. We encountered this beautiful beast while hunting Spring turkeys. With Autumn comes a different season.

Orange Glazed Bear

bear meat cut into thin strips
soy sauce
fresh ginger
fresh garlic
ground mustard
flour of your choice for dredging (wheat, cornstarch, rice, etc.)
avocado oil
coconut oil
orange zest
barbecue sauce (homemade or one you like)
sesame seed
green onion

Marinade thin bear strips in a splash of soy sauce, fresh ginger, fresh garlic, with a pinch of ground mustard. Marinade over night or vacuum marinade for 30 minutes. The longer the better.

Place enough flour to coat the meat in a repurposed produce bag. Drain and save marinade juice from meat. Place meat in bag of flour, toss to coat.

Heat a splash almond oil with a dollop of coconut oil in a skillet over medium high heat.

Fry bear meat until crisp (avocado/coconut oil blend is excellent for this).

Add juice from marinade, barbecue sauce, and orange zest.

Simmer on low until desired tenderness. Usually 30 minutes or more. Add water if needed. Check temperature at this step.

Raise heat to caramelize sauce.
Serve over wild rice, fried bean noodles, or whatever you like.

Garnish with sesame seed and green onion.

Give thanks for the organic protein gracing your table. Enjoy.

Note: To ensure complete and safe cooking, cook to 160 degrees for 3 minutes or more. Important. ALWAYS check the temperature to ensure complete doneness.
Never skip this step when cooking bear.

Kinta’s Lucky 13

Saturday Night Kintaro of Akiyama just completed his first AKC Junior Hunt Test on Friday, June 13. Kinta was born on the 13th day of the 9th month of the year 2013. Kinta became the youngest dog in the hunt test when dog number 13 scratched from the test and did not compete.

The best part of the day was Kinta successfully earning a qualifying score. Congratulations Kintaro! I hope you enjoy Kinta’s photos. Just click images to enlarge or see slide show.

Whimsday Bliss – Turkey Dinner Old School

Turkey dinner prep circa 1946 (American Standard ad). Now for a real throwback, turkey dinner prep 2014.