Lions, Deer, and Bears Oh Mine


This gallery contains 6 photos.

We originally set up hidden cams at various locations to catch claim jumpers. It’s a nice treat to capture the local critter population. Here is a sampling of what passed through the last 2 weeks. Of course, panning a little … Continue reading

Thought you might like Tim’s side of our morning photo shoot. His inclusion of a “backside” might deserve its own post response.


Ever wonder what is going on behind the scenes with other blogs?  This is a little snippet in the life of The Backdoor Artist.  If you are a follower of my blog, you probably already know that I am married to The Backdoor Artist, Mary Livingston.

Mary has a front row seat to our backyard with a large window facing out from her work space.  It is a wonderful view.  A view which often provides for visual treats.  Yesterday she spotted a large buck across the pond.  She posted this adventure complete with beautiful pictures here at,

Spotting this big old buck prompted frantic camera grabbing and stealthful sneaking out into the yard to photograph the buck.  When he didn’t run away, we plotted to stalk our subject for more and better shots.  More frantic activity ensued with changing of clothes and getting shoes on.  We came…

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Animal Attraction

buck in rut

A buck in rut in the lower field.

As I sat down to paint this morning, movement in the field on the other side of the pond caught my attention.  The distance, about 250 yards, from the window was a bit far for a nice shot. Tim and I quietly slipped around the south side of the dam, then  belly crawled to get within 100 yards. This nice black-tailed buck in rut was watching a doe by one of the lower ponds.

The doe he was fixated on.

The doe he was fixated on. She is pretty, can you blame him?

The buck stares longingly at the doe. He did not notice us at all.

The buck stares longingly at the doe. He did not notice us at all.

We must have been a sight, laying on our bellies, in the rain soaked grass, stalking the deer for a photo. The buck did not notice us at all. He was captivated by her scent.  She was nervous, people crawling through the grass and taking aim her way was more than she could stand. She bolted up the hill and over the ridge with him in hot pursuit.

Gotta sneak bliss when you can, even when people are watching.

When she fled to higher ground, he pranced after her.

When she fled to higher ground, he pranced after her.

They paused for a moment.

I predict twins in the spring.

I predict twins in the spring.