Dr. Jean’s Callie – A Vet’s Pet

I remember when I first met Dr. Jean. A one-week-old little puppy wriggled his way from his mama’s warmth. When I found him, he was cold and too lethargic to nurse. I tucked him under my shirt, against my warm skin, and drove to the vet’s office.

Dr. Jean was new to the practice and in all truth, she didn’t look old enough to be in college, let alone be through veterinary school. Her youthful appearance was soon shadowed by her knowledge, skill and compassion. Thanks to Dr. Jean, a few months later, the healthy little pup went home with his forever family.

Over the years, we’ve shared joys, laughter, and tears as she has cared for our pets.

I’d like to introduce you to Callie. The faithful companionship Callie gives to Dr. Jean shows in the way Dr. Jean cares for family pets.

When I learned that Dr. Jean was to move from our area, I knew I wanted to give her a painting of Callie. It wasn’t easy to sneak Callie from her office so that I could take reference pictures, as Dr. Jean often checked in on her girl. With the assistance of the office staff, I was able to get the pics.

Although we miss Dr. Jean and Callie, we know her new community is blessed to have her skill, wisdom, and compassion.

The Livingston household and pack wish them much joy and success.


Wildfire Weekend

So much damage from a lone, irresponsible person…not much bliss to sneak for the families burned out by this fire.


wildfire, forest fire A wildfire broke out west of town Friday afternoon.

Last Friday I posted Storm Clouds Brewing and talked about lightning and wildfire. Then Friday afternoon an aggressive wildfire broke out west of town. However, this fire wasn’t caused by lightning, it was caused because of an illegal marijuana grow.

wildfire, forest fire, lighting It formed a huge column and began building it’s own thunder cloud.

air tanker, fire fighting, wildfire, forest fire The fire crews were scrambled and the air-tankers took to the air.

The thing is, Mary and I were planning a weekend away camping in our trailer at our favorite spot. The problem was, the fire was less then five miles from our camp where we had already staged our trailer. We made the decision to retrieve our trail while the fire was relatively small, only 300 acres.

wildfire, forest fire As we approached camp the sky became angrier.

wildfire, forest fire After reaching camp, we packed everything, hooked up the trailer and pulled out. The…

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