Final Reveal, Almost

My art is back from the framer. I’d say that Image West did a fabulous job. Worth every penny. We are happy with the results.

For the uninitiated, Tim and I have our own personal art competition each year at the annual Lumberjack Auction Dinner hosted by Sierra Cascade Logging Conference. This auction benefits the education programs of Sierra-Cascade Environmental and Resource Fund, a charity near and dear to our hearts. The originals will be on display at the Red Tail Publishing booth during the conference.

I have to tell you, not doing a final reveal today is killing me. I promised to keep the inspiration for this piece confidential until the auction on Friday night. So here is all you get today. Last year Tim trounced me. I’m hoping for a bit of redemption. I sure hope that keeping this close to the vest doesn’t give him an edge in our competition.

“_____ _____ Heritage”
By Mary A Livingston
Original Watercolor.

______ Heritage
Original Watercolor by Mary A Livingston